Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Line of feist

Let's hear what line of feist you hunt and what draws you to that line.

For me it's the McAndrews line.  I just happened up and my first feist was a McAndrews and loved the way they get after it.  These dogs will cover some ground so a good pair of shoes is a must.  They don't seem to be ill at all and will hunt independently.  They are quiet in the kennel and since I live in a sub-division that is a must. 

Now what do you hunt.


Unknown said...

I've been hunting dogs either directly out of or descending from the Quick's Champ and Wright's Freckles cross for several years now. I really like them. There is still some refining going on but I'm more and more convinced that the pieces of the puzzle are there. I've also enjoyed a Cauley stock dog (sleeping on my foot right now!) and some of the dogs from Tony Kellar's Horshoe Mt. kennel.

RaisinKane said...

I too hunt McAndrews, my female is out of Hal Hurst's old dog Frosty, also hunt Beaty Feist out of Hurst's Hawk, along with crosees between the two. I just brecently bred my Beaty male to a Coz bred cur.