Thursday, August 26, 2010

AFBA Breed Standard

An American Feist SHALL be between 12 and 18 inches tall. Dogs outside these height ranges may not be registered or participate in AFBA events. Height is to be measured at the withers at a point directly up from the back of the dog’s front elbow. At the time of an official AFBA measurement, a dog shall be placed on a cloth covered (carpeted) bench or table and shall be measured by a means approved by AFBA’s Board of Directors. Rules for disputing height measurements taken by AFBA Inspectors may be made to AFBA's Board of Directors. Dogs shall be at least one year old before they are officially measured.
American Feist should have a short, smooth coat with hair length of approximately one inch or less. Dogs with semi-wire, wire, or long coats over more than 50 percent of their body shall be excluded from registration. American Feist may come in any color or combination of colors.

American Feist should have a complete set of evenly spaced, white teeth meeting in a scissors bite.

Erect ears, semi-erect or cocked ears, and button ears are acceptable.

American Feist should have small compact feet with the knuckles on the two center toes being just slightly longer than the two outside toes. The toes should be well arched but are not totally “cat footed”. The dew claws on an American Feist may be removed to prevent hunting injuries.

The tail on an American Feist may be long, docked, or naturally bobbed.

To be registered as a foundation stock American Feist, a dog must be from descended from mountain or treeing feist and shall not be more than 50% non-recognized feist breeding. This percentage will be figured from a three generation pedigree. Before any dog can be registered or bred as an American Feist, a dog shall prove that it will independently tree a wild squirrel per such methods of proof as may be established by AFBA.

For further info on AFBA go to

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