Monday, November 8, 2010

It's getting close

Come on out Saturday and let's do some hunting.  Let's see if we can beat the numbers we had last year.  We had 8 states represented last and I bet we can beat that this year.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Count down

Nov. 13th is almost here.  AFBA will hold it's 3d annual Ohio hunt that day.  We look forward to seeing  you there.  Check back in the next few days and we'll have more details.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Hats & Shirts

Hats and shirts will be available at the hunt in Ohio come Nov. 13.  Drop by and see what we are all about in the AFBA and pick yourself up a hat or shirt, or both. 

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


The leaves here in North Ms are still thick and seeing a squirrel is hard.  The temps are getting lower so maybe we'll have some fall soon.  A good rain would help.  How are things in your neck of the woods.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

3rd Annual Ohio Hunt aka The Redneck Pep Rally

November 13, 2010 is the date for the 3rd Annual Ohio Hunt.  It will be held at Mr. William Wright's farm and be ready to have a good time and eat well.  There will be a bench show and treeing contest as well so come and enjoy the day even if you don't have a dog in the hunt.  More details will be posted as we get closer to Nov.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Sept 11 2001

Let's not forget

Monday, September 6, 2010

Monthly Worming

It's the first of the month and if you haven't wormed your dogs yet now's a good time to do it. 

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Dean Wright stopped by today and brought Ethan a dog to replace the one we had to put down.  The dog has had about 20 names today but I think Ethan is going to stick with Troop.  Troop is McAndrews bred and should be a good one.  Dean is the Secretary/Treasurer for the AFBA. 

Friday, September 3, 2010


Two Sundays ago I was approched by a lady to "run the coons out of her sweet corn patch". I told her I'd be glad to. Yeah I know what a deal!

Now I don't own a coon dog per se. I have Treeing Feist...squirrel dogs yes, coon dogs not so much. However I know that my dogs tree several coons in the day and my house dog trees them around the yard when they try for a chicken dinner. I figured I still give it a try.
First I needed a light. I bought a 3 d cell LED maglight. Now it's not like some of those 21 watt head lamps the pro's use but I still haven't shined a tree where I felt I didn't have enough light. As an added bonus the pack came with a little 2 AA cell flash light that is just the berries for walking around in the woods.
I loaded up a dog and headed to the patch. Until the last 48 hours Mid-Michigan has been in a drought. The dog worked a couple in the corn patch but couldn't straighten them out. Then we hit the patch of woods behind it. There's a nice gravel pit/pond in the woods and we finally got our first tree. Of course with the leaves we couldn't find the coon.

In the last few trips we've been getting more coons. So far they've all been treed coming out of the pond. My take is that the coons are wet, hence giving the dogs some scent finally. The only exception is the one my house dog ran out of culvert. Hopefully tonight that will change with the rain soaked ground.

So are my dogs coon dogs? Not necessarily. I think they'll tree coons and they are about ideal for keeping them out of this corn patch as all the hunting is shorter range. Of course I'm not necessarily a coon hunter either so I guess were even!



Saturday, August 28, 2010

Ocoee River

This is by far my favorite river in the southeast.  I try to get up to Cleveland Tn every summer to do some whitewater rafting and it's looking like this summer I won't make it.  Looking back at past trips this one was one of the best down the river I've ever had.  We were the only boat on the river that Sept morning and we played in every hole we could find. 

Thursday, August 26, 2010

AFBA Breed Standard

An American Feist SHALL be between 12 and 18 inches tall. Dogs outside these height ranges may not be registered or participate in AFBA events. Height is to be measured at the withers at a point directly up from the back of the dog’s front elbow. At the time of an official AFBA measurement, a dog shall be placed on a cloth covered (carpeted) bench or table and shall be measured by a means approved by AFBA’s Board of Directors. Rules for disputing height measurements taken by AFBA Inspectors may be made to AFBA's Board of Directors. Dogs shall be at least one year old before they are officially measured.
American Feist should have a short, smooth coat with hair length of approximately one inch or less. Dogs with semi-wire, wire, or long coats over more than 50 percent of their body shall be excluded from registration. American Feist may come in any color or combination of colors.

American Feist should have a complete set of evenly spaced, white teeth meeting in a scissors bite.

Erect ears, semi-erect or cocked ears, and button ears are acceptable.

American Feist should have small compact feet with the knuckles on the two center toes being just slightly longer than the two outside toes. The toes should be well arched but are not totally “cat footed”. The dew claws on an American Feist may be removed to prevent hunting injuries.

The tail on an American Feist may be long, docked, or naturally bobbed.

To be registered as a foundation stock American Feist, a dog must be from descended from mountain or treeing feist and shall not be more than 50% non-recognized feist breeding. This percentage will be figured from a three generation pedigree. Before any dog can be registered or bred as an American Feist, a dog shall prove that it will independently tree a wild squirrel per such methods of proof as may be established by AFBA.

For further info on AFBA go to

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Line of feist

Let's hear what line of feist you hunt and what draws you to that line.

For me it's the McAndrews line.  I just happened up and my first feist was a McAndrews and loved the way they get after it.  These dogs will cover some ground so a good pair of shoes is a must.  They don't seem to be ill at all and will hunt independently.  They are quiet in the kennel and since I live in a sub-division that is a must. 

Now what do you hunt.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Sad Sad Day

We had to put Paisley down this morning. She's been real sick this summer and hasn't left the vet's office for 2 weeks. After trying everything they knew to do for her Dr Bryan thought it may be best for her to be spayed and then she could look inside her to see if there was anything that looked out of the norm. It was, she was ate up with cancer. She's just barely 2 so her having cancer was a surprise to us all. It was hard to put her down but not near as hard as when Ethan gets home from school and I have to let him know his dog is dead. Not only was Paisley his dog but his 1st squirrel dog. I know this is just part of having dogs but it still doesn't make it any easier.


Monday, August 23, 2010

New Club in North Georgia

Tracy Davenport is working at getting a new club formed in North Georgia (Dawsonville).

He has several members already and have commitments from a few others.

They are going to have a get together Sept 4th at the club house to have some friendly conversations and hope to cast out on a buddy hunt.
Dues for the remander of the year are 10.00 till Feb
Feb to Feb dues will be 20.00
Kids under 16 are free
Directions are:
8111 Hwy 136, 30534

Take Hwy 53 to Dawsonville, go to

the square, take Shoal Creek Rd to

Hwy 136, turn L, go 6 mi, clubhouse

is located on L, signs posted.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Dean Wright and his McAndrew's crew

From left to right is Spr Gr sq ch Pretty Boy Floyd, Sq Ch(4 wins to gr) McAndrews Smarty,Sq ch McAndrews Missy,Gr Sq Ch McAndrews Raider and sq ch McAndrews Pete. 

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Trying out a new blog site.

We are trying out a new blog site and hopefully this is what we are looking for.  Please check back daily to see what is going on in the AFBA.

I took Stuart and my new pup Sadie out this morning.  We didn't stay out long beacuse of the heat but we had fun while we were there.  This was Stuart's first trip back to the woods since Feb and boy was he excited.  This was Sadie's first trip to the big woods and she did really good.  She didn't stay underfoot and tried to keep up with Stuart but those little legs just couldn't do it. lol  The first pic is of Stuart treeing and you can see Sadie looking to see what's happening.  The second pic is of Sadie checking out what the fuss is all about.