Saturday, August 21, 2010

Trying out a new blog site.

We are trying out a new blog site and hopefully this is what we are looking for.  Please check back daily to see what is going on in the AFBA.

I took Stuart and my new pup Sadie out this morning.  We didn't stay out long beacuse of the heat but we had fun while we were there.  This was Stuart's first trip back to the woods since Feb and boy was he excited.  This was Sadie's first trip to the big woods and she did really good.  She didn't stay underfoot and tried to keep up with Stuart but those little legs just couldn't do it. lol  The first pic is of Stuart treeing and you can see Sadie looking to see what's happening.  The second pic is of Sadie checking out what the fuss is all about.

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