Sunday, September 12, 2010

3rd Annual Ohio Hunt aka The Redneck Pep Rally

November 13, 2010 is the date for the 3rd Annual Ohio Hunt.  It will be held at Mr. William Wright's farm and be ready to have a good time and eat well.  There will be a bench show and treeing contest as well so come and enjoy the day even if you don't have a dog in the hunt.  More details will be posted as we get closer to Nov.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Sept 11 2001

Let's not forget

Monday, September 6, 2010

Monthly Worming

It's the first of the month and if you haven't wormed your dogs yet now's a good time to do it. 

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Dean Wright stopped by today and brought Ethan a dog to replace the one we had to put down.  The dog has had about 20 names today but I think Ethan is going to stick with Troop.  Troop is McAndrews bred and should be a good one.  Dean is the Secretary/Treasurer for the AFBA. 

Friday, September 3, 2010


Two Sundays ago I was approched by a lady to "run the coons out of her sweet corn patch". I told her I'd be glad to. Yeah I know what a deal!

Now I don't own a coon dog per se. I have Treeing Feist...squirrel dogs yes, coon dogs not so much. However I know that my dogs tree several coons in the day and my house dog trees them around the yard when they try for a chicken dinner. I figured I still give it a try.
First I needed a light. I bought a 3 d cell LED maglight. Now it's not like some of those 21 watt head lamps the pro's use but I still haven't shined a tree where I felt I didn't have enough light. As an added bonus the pack came with a little 2 AA cell flash light that is just the berries for walking around in the woods.
I loaded up a dog and headed to the patch. Until the last 48 hours Mid-Michigan has been in a drought. The dog worked a couple in the corn patch but couldn't straighten them out. Then we hit the patch of woods behind it. There's a nice gravel pit/pond in the woods and we finally got our first tree. Of course with the leaves we couldn't find the coon.

In the last few trips we've been getting more coons. So far they've all been treed coming out of the pond. My take is that the coons are wet, hence giving the dogs some scent finally. The only exception is the one my house dog ran out of culvert. Hopefully tonight that will change with the rain soaked ground.

So are my dogs coon dogs? Not necessarily. I think they'll tree coons and they are about ideal for keeping them out of this corn patch as all the hunting is shorter range. Of course I'm not necessarily a coon hunter either so I guess were even!
